What drives you to connect?
This video has an interesting idea about how life in modern times is juxtaposed with the technology driven concept of connecting with other people, with family, with friends, with work colleagues and acquaintances through the various forms of social media. Cohen attempts to unravel modern norms by questioning what drives a person towards the ideals of perceived success through the means of achieving monetary, status, and relationship hierarchies.
The video also explores the concept of connecting with your 'self'. How willing are you to be alone? Are you brave enough to connect with yourself in a way that no other person can do for you? Is being alone the absolute state of loneliness? or is it possible that you do not have to be/feel lonely when you are alone? Have a look, see what you think. /Erich
“The Innovation of Loneliness covers the growth in reported loneliness despite massive networks of friends”
"The Innovation of Loneliness covers the growth in reported loneliness despite massive networks of friends.” Shimi Cohen " uses simple geometry, icons, and spatial relationships to display the ideas presented in the video, and help encourage people to really connect on a deeper emotional level"
- taken from blog entry 'The Twenty Most Powerful Storytelling Videos of 2013' see link for details. http://visual.ly