“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment”
There is a lot to be read and noticed on social media about depression and most topically, suicide. One of the most gripping consequences of feeling depressed and thinking about ending your life is the isolation that is experienced. The solitude, the loneliness. The loss of feeling capable of finding it within yourself to be ok, as you are. I was drawn to the following poem by R.W. Emerson because of his play on the word 'room'. We lock ourselves away; we feel locked away and isolated. We feel segregated from the turning of the world outside our room.
Find room within your room. Feeling ok to be just ok. On your own but not alone. Willing your opening mind. Finding yourself in all its variety. /Erich
" Room for the spheres! " - then first they shined,
And dived into the ample sky ;
" Room ! Room ? " cried the new mankind,
And took the oath of liberty.
Room ! Room ! willed the opening mind,
And found it in variety.
- The Three Dimensions (Dial, 1843) R.W. Emerson